Monday 7 April 2014


In this blog, I will try and record my experience to setting up Aquaponics system as a novice so that people can use it as a resource. I will try to record as much details as possible.

This is for the benefit of people that may not be so used to the DIY way. In North America, pretty much all self-respecting male would be into DIY in some ways. Not so in Singapore. Guys in Malaysia are also more into DIYs.

Anyway, I started buying PVC pipes of various sizes to start making my Bell Siphon.

What I have discovered is that they come in different thickness. And if you simply ask for 25mm pipe, your ID (Inner diameter) would be the same but your OD (Outer Diameter) can be different.

And when you try and fit the pipe to an elbow for example, it may not fit. Your elbow's ID must match the pipe's OD!! It may seem like common sense. But went you go and buy your pipes from the hardware shop, you need to check this with a calliper. Otherwise, you may get mis-matched pipes and fittings.

Anyway, I bought a 19mm hole saw and tried to makes holes in a 80mm pipe. This is what happens:

Notice that after I drilled the hole, the PVC gets jammed up inside the hole saw. And it's a bitch trying to dig it out for me to make the next hole.

So, my solution is to drill clockwise until half of the thickness, reverse (anti-clockwise) to loosen a bit and then only continue drill until all the way through. After that, take a small screw driver to dig out the unwanted PVC from the hole saw.

That's it.

Happy farming.

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